Is Term Life Insurance for You?
Term insurance is the simplest form of life insurance. It provides temporary life insurance protection on a limited budget.
Assess Life Insurance Needs
If your family relies on your income, it’s critical to consider having enough life insurance to provide for them after you pass away. But too often, life insurance is an overlooked aspect of personal finances.
What to Look for in an Extended-Care Policy
Exended-care coverage can be complex. Here's a list of questions to ask that may help you better understand the costs and benefits of these policies.
Understanding Extended Care
Addressing the potential risks of extended-term care expenses may be one of the biggest financial challenges for individuals who are developing a retirement strategy.
Keep Your Umbrella Handy
In 2021, the U.S. had a record 24.5 million millionaires, up from 202 million in the previous year. An increase in personal wealth may bring greater financial flexibility; it may also bring greater liability. Individuals with high net worth, or those who are perceived to have high net worth, may be more likely to be sued. And personal injury claims can cost millions
Disability and Your Finances
The Social Security Disability Insurance program paid out over $140 billion in benefits in 2021. And with new applicants each year, the system is expected to exhaust its reserves at the end of 2034 if changes aren’t made.
Insuring Your Business With a Buy/Sell Agreement
Life insurance is designed to help protect a household from the financial hardships that may follow the untimely death of a primary wage earner.
But how will a death affect a small business?
Protecting Your Business from the Loss of a Key Person
Though business owners cannot protect themselves from the unexpected and sudden loss of a key employee, they may be able to protect themselves from the financial consequences of such a loss through the purchase of what is called “key person insurance”